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Open the market in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2021-09-21Updated:2021-09-21
Similar words: be on the marketput on the marketat the marketopen marketopen-marketplay the marketopen market operationcorner the market
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(1) How to open the market of electronics for seniors?
(2) Open the market of China film and TVculture.
(3) Its implementation will help open the market, eliminate the trade barriers, and make possible the free movement of goo...
(4) We put forward our advice about how to open the market gradually and reform the structure to develop our B share market.
(5) It' imperative to open the market of higher vocational education after China has been in "WTO".
(6) Its implementation will help open the market, eliminate the trade barriers, and make possible the free movement of goods.
(7) "Anything they can do to open the market would be fantastic," Mayer said.
(8) Another goal of the economic reform was to open the market for the foreign investors to connect the Russian economy with the other countries of the world.
(9) The company has always firmly believed that superior quality, reasonable price and good after-sales service to open the market, registered a more worthy of trust(, the leading brand PASAK.
(10) According to " China Daily " , China will restore the import of beef from America and open the market of beef and sea food to Argentina and Norway from 2011.
(11) With China's accession to the WTO, it is particularly urgent to open the market of road transport, adjust and change the existing structure of the road transport market with the pace.
(12) It has important significance for China to implement necessary safeguard policies and open the market gradually after WTO entrance.
(13) In an interview with Fortune, Pamboukis pledged to fully open the market.
(14) We hope to work with the friends all over the world and open the market together. Our aim is quality first and enjoy high reputation. Help you at any time with pleasure.
(15) Enthusiasm waiting for the majority of new and existing customers patronage, the Jiangnan your company is willing to work with "hand in hand, hold open the market to create brilliant."
(16) Do your business products cannot promote well in the local market, and cannot open the market situation?
(17) Although it would be beneficial to all if Google were to use Android licensing to further open the market, that likely would have stifled adoption of the platform by handset makers.
(18) The good market of this car shows that excellent design is important to open the market.
(19) "The net is handed in meeting " carry network sale channel just about, go to billabong of slow-moving foreign trade product home market, lend the trade inside this open the market.
(20) During the financial panic of 2008-09, moreover, it escaped nobody's attention that the more open the market – New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong – the harder it was hit.
More similar words: be on the marketput on the marketat the marketopen marketopen-marketplay the marketopen market operationcorner the marketopen-air marketcome into the marketpriced out of the marketfederal open market committeehome marketfree marketslave marketmarket demandprice marketactive marketfuture marketcaptive marketcapture marketprivate markettelemarketingvolatile marketexchange marketmarket rentcompetitive marketmarket penetrationforeign exchange marketmarket movements
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